In this course, you will :
- Learn the project management knowledge and abilities required to manage a complete project.
- Conduct a comprehensive case study of a project from start to finish, using real-life project scenarios.
- Receive over 15 project management templates and useful documents to help you structure and manage projects.
- Understand the project manager's role and develop the abilities required to succeed in the profession.
- Investigate Waterfall and Agile project management techniques, including Scrum.
- Learn project management theory and best practices, as well as how to construct five key project management documents using MS Excel.
1. The project phases
- How does a project start and how does it evolve? What a project's main stages?
2. The initiation phase
- What is the Initiation phase about? Define the project goals
- What is involved in a business case?
- What is project "Scope"?
- Who performs the feasibility study and what does it involve?
- What goes into risk assessment? What are expectations?
- How to create a Project Charter?
- Case Study 1
3. The planning phase
- What is Planning? Why is it important? What happens if it is not done correctly?
- Why is Planning so critical in Project management?
- What is the cost of Change in projects?
- What to do before you start?
- Project management insights
- Scope Planning
- Scope Planning (continued)
4. The planning phase - timelines and schedules
- How to estimate when planning?
- The planning fallacy, optimism bias, illusion of control
- How much to buffer?
- Identifying dependencies
- Planning - Estimation and Dependencies
- Identifying the critical path
- Using the Gantt chart to plan the project work streams
- Building the project schedule (+ MS Project tutorial)
- How to build a milestone table and its uses
5. The planning phase - cost
- The process of budgeting
- The process of budgeting (continued)
- Procurement contract types
- Procuring non-financial resources
- Planning HR
- RACI matrix - assigning roles
- Quality requirements
6. The planning phase - Expectations, Assumptions and Risks
- Planning expectations management
- How to control assumptions
- Planning Risk management
- Building a Risk log
7. The planning phase - Change process
- How to deal with and record change requests
- Planning - Risk and Change Management
8. The execution phase - Meetings
- Introduction to Execution and KO Meetings
- What is involved in a kick-off meeting
- Tips to handle meetings
9. The execution phase - Project Diary
- What is action-owner due date
- Filling in the project diary
10. The execution phase - Managing the team and work
- How the Project Manager manages tasks
- How the Project Manager manages the team
11. The monitoring and control phase
- What is monitoring and control
- Controlling in a PM environment
- M & C - Intro
- How to check if a project is on schedule
- How to see if a project is on budget
- M & C - Time and Cost
- How to perform quality control
- Keeping the risk log updated
- Dealing with change proposals
12. The execution phase - Issue management
- How to record and build project report updates
- How to deal with any issues that occur during execution
13. The closure phase
- Why do we close a project
- What steps to take to close a project
14. MS Excel for Project Management
- Tracker 1: High-level
- Tracker 2: Standard tasks
- Tracker 3: Few steps & statuses
- Project Management Logs
- Actions, Issues, Dependencies Log
- RAIDD Log - Structures
- Risks Log
- Project Management Logs - Outro
- Project Schedule
- Gantt Chart (months)
- Gantt Chart (weeks)
- Budget - Simple Table
- Budget - Time & Materials 1
- Budget - Time & Materials 2
- Formatting Tips & Tricks
- MS Excel for Project Management: Conclusions
15. Agile project management
- Waterfall
- A different kind of project
- Where Waterfall falls short
- Introducing Agile
- Agile project structure
- Product Development in Agile
- Complex Work in Projects
- SCRUM: A History Lesson
- SCRUM Theory and Structure
- SCRUM Artifacts: Product Backlog
- User Stories
- SCRUM Artifacts: The Increment. Technical tasks and Product Releases
- The "MVP" of a Project
- SCRUM Roles: Product Owner
- SCRUM Roles: Development Team
- SCRUM Roles: The Scrum Master
- SCRUM Events
17. Agile vs Waterfall
- Agile vs Waterfall - Comparison
- Agile vs Waterfall - Analysis
- Agile vs Waterfall - Conclusion